20 Cars You Don’t Want To Be Seen Driving


5. Honda Crosstour

The chunky front end of this car just doesn’t make sense for this design. It looks all wrong in some strange way.

Many people think this front end issue is a design flaw. Many vehicles have been designed over the years to look disproportionate.

This vehicle is decidedly out of proportion. Even the back of the car doesn’t quite match the front.

The back and front ends look as though they should each be matched with some other parts; they just don’t fit well together.

Yet many people find it convenient to drive as it has plenty of storage room. Even so, plenty of makes and models have great storage and plenty of comfortable seating. Do you really want to drive a car that gets strange looks from the people you pass on the road?

People have all sorts of criteria for choosing the cars they buy. Some people just prefer to select unusual cars—vehicles that aren’t seen on the road much.

On the other hand, some vehicles aren’t seen tooling around much for good reason! Unless you get a fabulous deal on a Honda Crosstour, you might want to go with a more handsomely designed vehicle. There are plenty less-embarrassing cars to select after all!