10 Workout Exercises You’re Doing Wrong


3. Plank

When they say that looks can be deceiving, they’re right. Particularly when it comes to the plank exercise, not all exercises are as easy as they appear to be.

Many people first look at someone doing a plank exercise and wonder what the point could possibly be.

But once they do it for themselves, they know the workout that it truly is.

The plank exercise is one of, if not the best maneuvers for shaping and strengthening the core muscles of the body. Unfortunately, many people put themselves at risk of injury and do not experience the results they expect because they do this exercise incorrectly.

It is easy to make mistakes when doing this exercise because your body is trying to fight against gravity and be comfortable, but maintaining a proper position is crucial for this workout.

Common mistakes when performing the plank include not sucking in the abdominal muscles, sticking your butt too high in the air, and allowing the back and leg muscles to sag. In order to get the true benefits of the plank you need to maintain a tight, flexed figure.

The abdominal muscles need to be flexed in to prevent strain on the lower back, and the leg and buttock muscles need to be engaged to maintain the flat form through the lower body.

Never forget to engage the core, or your abs, whenever you do any type of exercise that is meant to strengthen and even when you do cardio. Your core is your body’s center of stability, and many injuries can be avoided by keeping your core engaged at all times.