14 Worst Foods for Belly Fat


14. Salt

Although salt will not cause weight gain around your midsection, consuming high levels of sodium can leave you looking like you have a fat belly.

Sodium prompts your body to retain water. Much of this appears around your abdominal area, making you look bloated and flabby. It can also make you feel sluggish and discourage healthy exercise.

Drugs and diets promising quick weight loss are usually just diuretics. They make you shed water producing dramatic weight loss, but as soon as you drink more water, it gets stored in the abdominal area again.

If you do this regularly, you will end up on a roller coaster of bloating and dehydrating yourself, an unhealthy state promoting various health problems. As much as we would like an easy solution, the only certain way to keep water weight off is cutting your salt consumption.

Excessive salt consumption is also implicated in high blood pressure and heart disease, so controlling your salt intake is one of the healthiest dietary decisions you can make.

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In addition to cutting down on the amount of table salt that you add to food, check the labels of soups and ready meals to keep your sodium levels under control.