14 Worst Foods for Belly Fat
5. Cheese
Everything we have said about milk goes double for cheese, since it is really just a concentrated, solidified form of milk.
Acetates created by high doses of saturated fats cause the body to create extra cholesterol. This clumps in organs and veins, a problem aggravated by the clumping of the saturated fats and proteins.
The result is a thick accumulation that slowly reduces the width of the blood vessels, cutting the amount of blood they can carry and increasing the chances of heart problems.
You may think you are eating it in moderation, but the truth is that even a very small serving of a rich cheese may contain around half of your recommended daily intake of fat.
Cheese also appears in many processed foods and restaurant dishes where its presence may not be obvious. When possible, ask the waiter or check the ingredients list on packaging to find out what you’re really eating.
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Cheese is so ubiquitous and delightful, it really is not practical to cut it out completely. The next time you want to add some cheese to a baked potato or sandwich, try using a small amount of reduced fat cheese instead. While these substitutes were once rubbery, you will find that their quality has markedly improved.