15 Most Bizarre And Ridiculous Jobs In The World


15. Just Pandas

We started off with Pandas, it is only fair to wrap up our article with these precious bears.

Apparently, pandas actually have jobs. Every panda you have ever seen at the zoo is owned by the Chinese government which has a monopoly on giant pandas.

Since every giant panda in the world is owned by the Chinese government, and these rare animals are quite wanted around the globe, they charge USA, for instance, around $1 million annually to rent out this animal.

The rentals typically last for about 10 years, but are often renewed.

They also make money via panda breeding. For every new panda cub, the zoo conducting the breeding is required to pay up to $600,000 to the Chinese government.

Poor little pandas. If only they really knew kung fu, they would able to escape the nasty shackles of greedy humans.