15 Most Expensive Alcoholic Beverages In The World


5. Château d’Yquem

If there is one thing that we can expect from our French friends, it’s good wine.

Speaking of which, the Château d’Yquem is not only a good wine producer, but among the most expensive wine labels on a global level.

We aren’t even going to discuss a particular type of wine here – every bottle that comes out of this Bordeaux region vineyard only pays homage to its 300 years of existence.

With white wines ranging from Sauvignon blanc to Chardonnay, this wine label certainly earns its reputation as the best.

Many wine critics from around the globe gave Château d’Yquem were high scores, which can only mean one thing – if you ever get your hands on one of these wines, considered yourself a very lucky human being.

Price per bottle: $130,000