15 Signs that She Wants You in Bed


13. “No-Shave November” is no problem for her

Facial hair is big for guys. Many guys hate the way they look without a beard, saying that going clean shaven makes them look and feel like a little boy.

So when that special month called “No-Shave November” rolls around, it can be a delicate time for guys in a relationship with a woman who doesn’t necessarily like all that hair.

Yet sometimes a girl doesn’t care. Sometimes a girl is sooo into you that it doesn’t matter what is on your face. If this is the case for you, then consider yourself lucky.

Not only does it mean that your girl is happy with whatever makes you feel comfortable, it also means that she isn’t too concerned with the hair growing on your face. If you are comfortable, so is she…I wonder what would happen if you suddenly decided to be comfortable being naked all the time…