15 Things You Absolutely Can’t Do On The First Date


11. Don’t Be Indecisive

Making statements is a lot better than asking questions. For example, saying “We should have dinner some time” instead of “Would you maybe want to grab coffee with me, or maybe dinner?

We could even see a movie if you want,” makes you sound confident and sure about your choices.

The first sentence is basically asking her out, but without an option to say “No.” Since you threw it out there as a statement, it leaves no room for objections and she will subconsciously have no way out of it.

On the other hand, the second sentence makes you wonder if she even wants to go on a date with you, while making her think about all the options you’ve given her.

Stick to one thing and don’t come off as indecisive – if she wants one thing or the other, she’ll let you know.