8 Tips to Help You Survive the Emotional Rollercoaster of Divorce

7. Redefine Yourself

One of the most difficult hurdles people face during a divorce is coping with the challenge to their sense of self. Whether you were married for one year or 20 years, you no doubt came to view yourself through the lens of that close connection to another person.

Rather than an independent individual with a career and a life of your own, you were a husband, father, and best friend to your spouse in addition to having that career and individual interests.

For many people, as their divorce rips apart that bond and challenges their perception of self it can be difficult to answer the question, “Who am I now?”

The best way to help overcome this feeling is to try and redefine yourself. This starts by accepting that you are no longer a husband, no longer that individual’s best friend.

Go out and look for new hobbies and activities that you may have avoided for the benefit of your spouse. If you have always wanted to become a better cook, go take a cooking class one night a week. You’ll find a rewarding sense of joy in being able to provide better meals for yourself and who knows, maybe you’ll meet an attractive new woman in those classes.

The point is not to wallow in what you were, but rather to open your mind to who you can become going forward.