Affordable Foods for Losing Weight


5. Lentils

Lentils have always been a favorite among athletes and bodybuilders. Low in fat and sodium, yet high in protein and fiber, lentils are an excellent addition to any diet.

The protein found in lentils are key if you are hoping to replace the weight that you lose in fat with muscle mass.

They have less fat than beans and nuts, and have a unique earthy flavor that you really will not find in many other foods.

They are also full of iron for healthy blood and heart health, and sugarless carbohydrates that will give you both energy and endurance. What makes them even better is that you can buy them for almost 20 cents an ounce.

An advantage to all lentil varieties is that they are easy to prepare and take far less time to cook than brown rice. Brown lentils are the most common type of lentil, and are best when paired with brown rice in a hearty vegetable soup.

You can also use the peppery French green lentils in salads, red lentils in thick soups, or experiment with other varieties such as the black lentil, the white lentil or the macachiado lentil that you may be able to find in specialty Indian or Mexican groceries.