Affordable Foods for Losing Weight


6. Raisins

Raisins are trending and rightly so. With plenty of antioxidants, raisins help keep your digestive system in optimum condition.

This helps ensure your body gets more energy and stores less fat, and for almost 30 cents for a ¼ cup serving, it makes for a healthy and frugal snack.

Raisins may be rather high in sugar, but they can actually help you burn more carbohydrates than they contain while packing a powerful fistful of antioxidants and fiber.

They are the best snack you can eat to stave off between-meals hunger, because you only need a tiny serving to help you feel fuller and more energetic. If you don’t like raisins, you can try hiding them in oatmeal, granola, trail mix or almost any sweet baked good that you make, or sprinkle them on top of salads and cereal.

You can also eat dried cranberries, or raisins or cranberries infused with orange, blueberry or pomegranate flavors. Remember, too, that you only need to eat about a half cup of raisins to reap the overall health benefits of this snack, and you can count this as one full fruit serving for the day.