
  • Fertility-Friendly Foods

    While some people make babies “by accident,” others have a hard time conceiving. Impregnation can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 years, and you...

  • How To Tell If She Likes You

    You’re on a date. You’ve made your moves and played your cards with confidence and humor. But now you can’t really tell if the girl...

  • Appearance Factors As Date-Killers

    A date can go from splendid to ruined in seconds thanks to many different factors. And while we can’t influence some of them, there are...

  • Say Those Three Magic Words The Right Way

    Before a relationship is topped off with a wedding, there comes a moment when each couple tells each other those three magic words: “I love...

  • Dealing With Sex Life Problems

    While it might seem ridiculous to some, sexy-time issues can greatly affect our lives. Many factors need to be taken care of if you want...

  • How To Know Your Relationship Is In A Crisis

    Every romantic endeavor has its ups and down, but sometimes we can mix those downs with real red flags which can ultimately lead your relationship...

  • Valentine’s Day Done Right

    February 14 is closing in on us like a heat-seeking missile. When we say heat, we mean love and passion, as Valentine’s Day is a...

  • 10 Dating Tips For Introvert Guys

    Dating is a messy business, especially for guys. Women are hard to read and learning all the rules about flirting and dates doesn’t ensure you...

  • 15 Reasons Why You Should Never Cheat On Your Girl

    Cheating is wrong, there’s no doubt about that. Reasons why you shouldn’t cheat are numerous, but if you need any further detailed arguments why you...

  • Is January Really Divorce Month?

    January is filled with new gym memberships, new diets, new classes and all those things we’ve been putting off all year. But divorce? January has...

  • What Women Want More in Relationships

    A recent survey on singles in America conducted by revealed women want more “me time” in relationships. Out of 2,000 respondents, 77% said they...

  • Be A Proper Wingman

    With all these tips and tricks on dating stampeding all over the internet, we though a change of theme might be a good idea. If...

  • How To Strengthen The Friendship With Your Best Buddy

    Chicks will come and go, but bros are forever. Many of us tend to forget this, be it because of the ever-changing modern way of...

  • Little Known Hacks For A More Successful First Date

    In recent years, the interwebs started vibrating with “life hacks,” or tips on how to make your life easier. So why don’t we take life...

  • What To Do When She’s Out Of Your League

    It’s a proven fact that humans find partners among individuals similar to themselves. But what happens when an average guy wants to try and catch...