Fertility-Friendly Foods
While some people make babies “by accident,” others have a hard time conceiving. Impregnation can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 years, and you never know exactly when it’s going to happen.
You try and you try, and your lady still isn’t pregnant. Whether the reason behind this lies in stress, medical issues, or star alignment, it’s not happening all the same and the both of you begin to doubt yourselves and your decision.
But before you fall into despair and pessimism, try to upgrade the only thing that’s really your responsibility – your sperm count. And there’s no better way to do it than with these foods!
Black Eyed Peas And Oysters
This tiny food is packed with folic acid, which is critical for your DNA and protein synthesis.
A deficiency in folic acid can cause your sperm to carry chromosomal abnormalities, and you can bet that you want to avoid this from happening.
Next up are oysters. While they’re a well known aphrodisiac, oysters are all very good at supplying you with zinc, which boosts sperm quality. According to Fertility and Sterility, zinc mixed with folic acids can increase men’s sperm count by 74%!
Who Wants Dessert?
If sea food and vegetables aren’t your thing, then you can opt out for something sweeter, yet still effective. For example, bananas are a perfect “tool” when it comes to boosting one’s fertility, as they are delicious and beneficial at the same time.
Bananas are filled with the anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme helps you increase your testosterone production, which in turn improves your sperm count and libido.
Last, but not least, are walnuts. Their concentration in manganese, copper, folate, thiamin, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6, and protein makes walnuts “health grenades” which can seriously upgrade your sperm health and mobility.