Is Your Wardrobe Keeping You Single? Top 10 Ways To Dress To Impress Women


9. Choose The Right Colors

Pink and purple are simply not for everyone. Guys who can pull these colors off are usually hunks who would look good even in a garbage bag. Stick to classic, earthy colors and avoid bright hues, unless you are in Hawaii on vacation.

Choose the colors of your clothes that best match your eyes, skin tone and hair color and make sure the colors you go for don’t make you look pale.

If you have blue or green eyes don’t shy away from blue or light green shirts, particularly if you have light hair.

Stay away from red and harsh brown hues as they will not bring out your best features. Unless you have dark skin stay away from beige and khaki colors for tops as they will make you look washed out.

Colors you choose for your clothes can affect your mood so experiment a little and see which hues best compliment your current frame of mind.