Top 10 Proven Ab Killers of All Time


3. The Regular Crunch

With plenty of variations, the crunch still holds its spot as one of the best-proven ab exercises of all time.

Crunches work both the transverse adbominus muscle and the rectus abdominus group, which will vastly improve your core strength and posture, and yes, help give you that elusive six-pack.

Lie on your back on a yoga mat or other firm (but not hard) surface. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor.

Loosely clasp your hands behind your head, but never actually pull on your head to help yourself up. Let your abs do all the work.

With your back flat against the floor, slowly curl your shoulders up to about 30 degrees while engaging your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for a couple of seconds, and slowly ease back down. Work up to three sets of ten reps each.

To add some variety and challenge to your crunches, try alternating between twisting your body to the left for one crunch and then to the right for the next. You can also try keeping your feet a few inches above the floor as you do your crunches.

Proper form when performing crunches is essential for protecting your back and getting the most benefit out of the exercise.

When doing crunches, keep your chin a few inches away from your neck. Pretend like you’re holding an orange between your chin and neck, and maintain that distance throughout your crunches.

Be sure to exhale as you bend forward, and inhale as you move back to the starting position. If you’re having trouble keeping your hands clasped behind your head, try crossing them over your chest.