Top 10 Proven Ab Killers of All Time
8. Rotating Cable
The best way to perform a rotating cable is to use a cable machine at the gym. Alternatively, you can use your own band, securely attached to an object at chest level.
Stand erect with your feet a little farther than shoulder width apart.
Hold the cable in front of you at shoulder height, arms straight out in front of you, and rotate your body to the left as far as possible, until you feel the muscles on the right side of your back begin to stretch.
Hold that position for a moment, and work your way through the opposite direction. Your movements should be relatively fast, but well controlled.
A variation on this exercise is to tuck your elbows into the sides of your body, your forearms parallel to the floor, and rotate the cable left and right, keeping your feet firmly in position in front of you.
Exhale as you move into the rotated position, and inhale as you move back to center. Work your way up to three sets of 15 reps each.